Are you a practitioner that is interested in submitting a pre-existing or new course to the Enlightened Wellness Academy directory in order to assist people to become their most healthy vibrant self?

Part of the vision of Enlightened Wellness is to help build a platform where all of us creators can come together as a family and help people to become the healthiest versions of themselves so that they may live long, happy lives. As a co-creator on this platform, you can offer your courses and programs without necessarily needing a site of your own or needing to worry about the technical issues associated with it. By us all being in the one place we can work together as co-creators to build the platform and promote our own programs, therefore also helping to elevate others. I am creating this site alongside you and so any feedback you may have is appreciated and acknowledged.

During the Beta Phase of June and July 2023 I will be giving away Starter Plans absolutely FREE so take advantage of this offer!!!